Chick Pea Soup

  • 350 gr. chick peas
  • salt
  • 150 ml olive oil
  • 2 medium onions, thinly chopped
  • juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 cup chopped parsley
  • 5 whole peppercorns
Preparation Method: 

First check the chick peas and remove any stones, then soak the chick peas overnight. Next day, drain and rinse. Put the chick peas in a saucepan, cover with water to about 2.5 cm above them, bring to the boil and skim with a slotted spoon until the water is clear. Then add the olive oil, onion, half of the parsley and the peppercorns and simmer for about 90 minutes or until the chick peas are very soft. Add salt, the lemon juice, the rest of the parsley, stir and serve. If a pressure cooker is used then cooking time is about 20 minutes.

Chef's Name: 
Fatema E Quilonwala